Evelina Tacconelli is a full professor of Infectious Diseases at the University of Verona, Italy, and a senior consultant for Antimicrobial Resistance at the University of Tübingen, Germany. She serves as the Chief Scientific Officer of the ECRAID (European Clinical Research Alliance on Infectious Diseases) Foundation and consults for the WHO and ECDC on antimicrobial resistance and infection control topics.
Her work has garnered several awards, including the prestigious ESCMID Lifetime Achievement Award (2024). Professor Tacconelli is a chief author of numerous international guidelines on preventing and treating antimicrobial-resistant infections. She has a long history of participating in and coordinating European projects and networks focused on preventing, monitoring, and treating antimicrobial-resistant infections.
Currently, she coordinates ORCHESTRA, a project funded by the European Union’s H2020 Programme, which is building a European platform for cohort studies, encompassing data from over 1,300,000 patients. She has authored over 390 scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals.