Talk to an expert one-to-one
REVIVE is working with leading experts in the field of antimicrobial R&D who are committed to support scientists from across the world in advancing their research. With this interface we want to help you to get in touch with these experts and to give you the opportunity to discuss your research questions with them.
Once you submit your request, we will assign it to one or more suitable experts. As soon as an expert accepts your request, you will receive his/her email address and you can contact him/her directly. This means that your discussions will be entirely private and confidential.
In the below form, you can ask concise questions or request our support to find an expert who would be willing to have more extensive discussions with you about your project. Either way, please provide enough detail to allow us to make the right call.
Please note that the experts are offering their help voluntarily and that their availability might be restricted at times.
We will do our best to find the right expert to support you.
Some of the experts may be consultants to GARDP or be affiliated with organizations that render services to GARDP for its programmes.