Thomas Tängdén is an infectious diseases physician, associate professor and research group leader at the Department of Medical Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden. He is project leader of the collaboration platform PLATINEA, chair of the Swedish strategic programme against antibiotic resistance (STRAMA), medical advisor of the global resistance network ReAct, science officer of the ESCMID AMR Action Committee (EAAC), and has authored national and European treatment guidelines for multidrug-resistant bacteria.

He is also an editorial board member of CMI Communications. Thomas’s research includes randomized and observational clinical studies, antimicrobial stewardship interventions, pharmacokinetic studies, metagenomic analyses of antibiotic-induced damage to the microbiome, and in vitro studies to find new treatment strategies to overcome multidrug resistance. The overall aim is to generate knowledge that can support optimized and individualized use of antibiotics to enhance their efficacy while reducing the risks of side effects and resistance development. Thomas obtained his medical degree and PhD in infectious diseases from Uppsala University, Sweden.

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